Monday, November 15, 2021

world focus magazine

world focus magazine

world focus magazine Experts recommend debt consolidation for recovering control over personal money management. Debt Consolidation refers taking one loan in order to pay out other loans. In such case, you only have a tension of serving one debt consolidation loan and can secure a lower and fixed interest rate. You will save a lot of money and will pay your other loans faster if you are able to get a cheap remortgage or a poor credit remortgage at cheaper rate of interest.  Debt consolidation will minimize your hassles of paying so many monthly loans. So, first you have to consolidate all your debts into one debt consolidation loan. world focus magazine subscription  Though it sounds easy to do debt consolidation but there are certain risks and problems involved in it. Debt consolidation too has some negative aspects.  As you must have known by time that we take a debt consolidation loan to pay our other loans and it should acquired at a cheaper rate, but getting a cheaper loan or cheap remortgage is very difficult. You should have a good credit score for applying a cheap loan and if you have been declared bankrupt sometime, its even worse world focus magazine in english.

world focus magazine

Civil services chronicle

Civil services chronicle

Civil services chronicle These days it seems that all of us use some sort of bank; most often we will have a savings account along with our checking account.  Mostly we have good intentions of leaving the money in the account to draw the interest we intended when the account was opened and gain profits, civil services chronicle magazine but if youre like most of us, for one reason or another by the time the interest is to be paid, most of the money is gone by then.  Of course we had every intention of this not being the case but it does happen to most of us. Now how can we break this habit? First never obtain an ATM card on a savings account, and if you do, leave it at home when you go shopping or any thing else for that matter. civil services chronicle subscription online  A savings account after all is for your future and the purpose is to save money.  Lets talk about interest rates. They can vary from bank to bank so you might want to check with different banks in your area before opening an account. If you have any credit unions in your neighbourhood are sure to check with them. Most often if you join the credit union, the interest rates will be higher than that of most banks. And, if you have reached that golden age many of the credit unions will have special benefits for you chronicle ias magazine.

Civil services chronicle

drishti current affairs today monthly magazine

drishti current affairs today monthly magazine

drishti current affairs today monthly magazine Once youre in the habit of leaving your money in the account, you will be amazed by how fast it will grow. After awhile you might want to consider transferring your money to an even higher interest paying account such as a money market savings account. After all its your money and the reason you have it in the bank is to make as much money as you can in interest.  Once you have reached a higher level of savings there are many high interest paying accounts you can invest your money in. drishti ias current affairs magazine subscription  Most require a minimum amount to be invested, and some start at $4,000.00 and go up from there. But, unless you have a better plan in mind this is a safe and sure way to build that fortune you have always wanted. It is not certain that all investments will work. But, if a person is frugal with his or her money and able to successfully save it, in time more and more investments will prove successful and pay off Drishti ias current affairs subscription.

drishti current affairs today monthly magazine

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Banking service chronicle english book

 Banking service chronicle english book

Banking service chronicle english book Indeed, 0% APR credit cards can give you more advantages than you can imagine. Just remember to read the fine print. Many credit card owners are blind-sided by expenses and fees after 0% APR has expired. Most of the time this is because they have not read the fine print.  Banking service chronicle latest edition The only way to compare credit card offers is to read every part of the offer, and understand it thoroughly. It you dont understand the terms or instructions, call the company and get clarification. 0% APR credit cards can be lifesaving packages; they can greatly reduce your credit card expenses. However, they do not necessarily provide you a lifetime advantage. You must make a plan to pay off the debt, and stick to that plan, if you want to successfully use 0% APR credit cards Banking service chronicle previous year question papers.

 Banking service chronicle english book

bsc banking services chronicle

 bsc banking services chronicle

bsc banking services chronicle  In todays economic situation, almost all items and services are getting more and more expensive everyday. This is why people go to any lengths just to save money. Some people try to save money by purchasing cheaper goods and some try to save on utility expenses, like electricity, gas, and water. Credit cards are one of the most popular ways to purchase goods and services. banking services chronicle  It can even be used to pay for your utility bills. With a credit card, you dont have to carry a lot of cash in your wallet to purchase the things you need in your everyday life. With a single swipe of the credit card, you automatically purchase the items you need. However, credit cards also have its disadvantages. With a credit card, people tend to lose control in spending their money. People tend to spend more than they can afford. This is why credit cards are only recommended for people who know how to manage their money banking chronicle magazine .

 bsc banking services chronicle

Friday, November 5, 2021

Competition success magazine

Competition success magazine

Competition success magazine use full for civil services students published this article page no 15 memory is one of the key components of a computer which is measured in megabytes. note that 1000 mb is equal to 1 gigabyte (gb). so the more megabytes you have the better your computer works. most computers today come with a minimum of 512 mb (about half a gigabyte) of ram. you should try for 1 gb and more because your computer will run that much faster. not that windows vista and mac os x leopard operating systems require 1 gb for good performance and 2 gb to run at top speed. recommendation: i suggest buying at least 1 gb (1000 mb). remember that windows vista and mac leopard are memory hungry so i advise buying as much ram as you can afford. memory is the crutch of making a computer run like it should. insiders tip: buy the minimum amount of memory and then purchase extra memory components called sticks from a site such as this can save you up to a couple hundred dollars. buyer beware: it is not uncommon for low end computers ($300 to $600) to come with low amounts of ram. make sure to check on the ability of your computer as it should be able to handle 4 gb. central processing unit (the brains): the cpu handles all the calculations of the computer. for the average user cpu speed is not as important of a gauge as it used to be. the common computer user will not need to worry about cpu speed as much as a gamer or multimedia user. cpus are made by either intel or amd and both companies have great product options. intel controls most of the market share and costs more than amd. recommendation: cpus come in two forms: 32 bit and 64 bit. i suggest the 32-bit processors because the 64-bit processors have a lot of problems working with software programs. dual core processors are all the rage right now. whats dual core? this means that your computer has two cpus which give the user twice the computing power. dual core is a must for high end computer users. hard drive: the storage unit all of your personal data such as your documents digital photos music and software programs are stored on the hard drive which are available in many sizes and speeds. hard drive storage is measured in gigabytes and computers usually come with at least 80 gb of storage. insiders tip: computers can be configured with two hard drives. option 1: two drives giving which can double your storage. option 2: one hard drive keeps an exact copy of the other drive. so if you have a hard drive fail it is not a big deal because you can run off the other drive recommendation: you are best getting a 120 gb drive with a speed of 5400 rpm. video chipsets: graphics eye candy1 windows vista and mac os x leopard are the new operating systems that require a lot of fancy 3-d animation that requires better graphics hardware. you have two choices when choosing video chipsets: integrated or built in video card right into the motherboard of the computer. if you are an average computer user than this option should work just fine. 2.ati and nvidia offer video cards that produce much better graphics and can handle windows vista and mac leopard with ease competition success review buy.

Competition success magazine 

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Banking service chronicle

 Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle Monthly Magazine by bsc academy-subscribe published this article page no 40 think about what has happened in just a few short years? it wasnt so long ago that mainstream media had a 100% liberal bias. clearly an objective look at abc nbc and cbs would reveal their liberal orientation. from their origins to their story topics the media always played it to the left of center. richard nixon would never have had to resign from office if the either the senate or the house was republican and the media was neutral. today with the internet and cable television the tide has certainly evened up and maybe swung to the other side. dan rather of cbs broadcast a disparaging story on george bush and the national guard which may have been correct but rather knew he couldnt prove it. in an attempt to influence the election two weeks before the election he broadcasted it anyway. the internet blows up his 40 year career and forced his resignation. the bloggers were relentless in attacking rather and it resulted in the disgraceful behind the scenes to date never revealed story of the firing of dan rather. without the internet and cable television dan rather would still be representing his liberal bias on prime time television every night banking service chronicle monthly magazine.

 Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle

 Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle Monthly Magazine by bsc academy-subscribe published this article page no 41 traditional media and print journalism cant stand what has happened with the internet and cable revolution we are participating in. when republican congressman foley committed political suicide by writing inappropriate sexual e-mails to young pages you and i were able to get on the internet and read the e-mails for ourselves to determine the guilt of innocence of this man. we didnt need anybody with a political agenga filtering it for us and therein lies the revolution. we are able to filter stories for ourselves. no longer do i have to listen to dan rather tell me whats right or wrong. i can listen to rather read the ny times and go to the internet and cable tv to get additional information that the liberals refuse to divulge to me. the following will amaze you banking service chronicle monthly magazine.

 Banking service chronicle

Friday, August 6, 2021

nainital bank online exam

 nainital bank online exam

Your Checking Account; Watch Those Expensive Overdraft Charges

 nainital bank online exam This article is to inform consumers about overdraft bank fees Boca Raton FL – Have you ever looked at your bank statement and felt like screaming at the top of your lungs? Do you feel like you are throwing money out the window? Many people including yours truly have experienced this annoyance known as bank overdraft charges. nainital bank management trainee exam pattern Maybe you purchased an item for $197.99 and you have $197.85 in your checking account. Congratulations you have mastered the art of bouncing a check! Most banks will charge you anywhere from $30 - $36 for being short 14 cents. This has probably affected almost all consumers at one time or another nainital bank management trainee previous year paper.

 nainital bank online exam

Bank of india online Test Series

 Bank of india online Test Series

Bank of india online Test Series  Pleading. Call the credit card companies and ask if they can allow you to set up a payment plan or at least provide a brief extension. Simply calling and letting them know you havent forgotten about them can help keep you out of the worst trouble.  Credit counseling. Credit counselors can talk with credit card issuers to help you get a repayment plan you can keep up with. online bank exam They can also open your eyes to untapped sources of income you never knew you had like kicking the $1000000 Diet Coke habit.In short dont panic. With only a little bit of planning you can make the higher minimum monthly payment work to your advantage just as the policys authors intended bank of india exam syllabus .

 Bank of india online Test Series

Bank of india online test

 Bank of india online test

Bank of india online test  Saving weekly rather than daily $200/month works out to about $45/week or the cost of a restaurant meal for a small family--another luxury you might want to skip until youre debt-freeBigger Savings Taxes. online mock test for bank exams Most Americans could pay hundreds of dollars less tax each year if they just took all the deductions they were eligible for upfront rather than waiting to get a refund in April. By April you will have spent a big chunk of money on interest on debt that you wouldnt have spent if youd had the money at hand bank of india recruitment exam.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

gktoday current affairs april 2020

 gktoday current affairs april 2020

gktoday current affairs april 2020 published this article His realm had suffered through decades of warfare leaving his governments coffers unable to pay operational costs. Therefore Fath turned to the British to help fund government activities which gave the British Empire influence in the country. Meanwhile after more wars that resulted in the Treaty of Golestat in 1813 and the Treaty of Turkmanchay in 1828 Iran had to cede the Caucuses to Russia. The Turkmanchay treaty also opened Iran to Russian merchants and diplomats. This development sparked nearly a century of diplomatic feuding between Britain and Russia with the two nations vying for dominance in Iran that would have dire consequences for Iran in the 20th century. Even before then though Iran slipped more and more under the umbrella of the West and not to Irans benefit. As European influence expanded and transportation systems developed tying Europe and the Middle East more closely together Irans economy shifted in the process. The economy became more susceptible to global market fluctuations and… periodic famine. But the shahs of the Qajar dynasty did nothing to slow the pace of European encroachment. Instead to raise money they sold land to wealthy capitalists hindering customary patterns of land usage and harming the economy even more. To raise more money Naser al-Din Shah who ruled from 1848 to 1896 granted excessive concessions to foreigners over trade issues in exchange for hard cash. This he did not spent on his people or his country but on his court and his luxurious vacations to Europe. The shahs behavior in collaboration with foreigners enraged many Iranians. [1] The Tobacco Riots of 1890 constituted the start of backlash against the shahs. Naser al-Sin had given the British massive concessions on tobacco trading in Iran. Angry protests and a boycott of tobacco forced Naser to rescind the concession. The events of 1890 showed 1. Iranian merchants could organize and whip up public support. 2. The Iranian people could curtail the power of the shah. 3. The Shia clergy men to whom Iranians traditionally turned for guidance for hundreds of years who had helped agitate the people against the tobacco concession were increasing in power.[2] With these factors at work the Tobacco Riots would serve as a preview of future events including the Islamic Revolution nearly a century later as well as something much sooner… Concurrently with Irans increasing interaction with the West newly arisen Iranian intellectual circles interested themselves in democratic procedures. These intellectuals found solace in the 1905 Russian Revolution[3] during which popular uprisings convinced Tsar Nicholas II to substitute Russias absolutist state with a constitutional monarchy.[4] After the shahs government beat some Iranian merchants the intellectuals united with the merchants and the clergy to stage colossal strikes and protests against the government. Eventually to appease the Iranian masses the shah allowed for the writing of a constitution in 1906. (This was the first alignment of all these forces that would prove strong in 1978-1979.) Foreign intervention would spell the doom of the constitutional government. First in 1907 the almost century-old squabbles between Britain and Russia culminated in the Anglo-Russian Convention. This Convention carved for the two empires exclusive spheres of influence in Iran Afghanistan and Tibet. In Iran as per the treaty Britain controlled areas along the Persian Gulf and Russia regions in northern Iran and the Caucuses. As a result of the agreement then both Russia and Britain had large stakes in the internal politics of Iran.[5] Four years later in 1911 Irans constitutional regime paid an American consultant William Morgan Schuster to advise the government regarding finances. Schuster recommended aggressive means to obtain funds from all over Iran. This upset the British and the Russians from whose spheres the Iranians would also acquire money under Schusters plan. Russia demanded the Iranian government fire Schuster upon said governments refusal the Russians deployed soldiers to march on Tehran. Facing this threat the shah sent Schuster home and terminated the constitutional regime. Until World War I the Russians acted as the de facto masters of the Iran outside its official sphere of influence. The Great War however forced the withdrawal of Russian soldiers from the country. Unfortunately for Iran its respite did not last long. The Russians soon came back along with the British the Germans and the Turks who fought battles amongst themselves in Iranian territory. In 1917 though the new Soviet Union ended Russias claims in Iran engendering much Iranian love for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (despite the elites dread of Communist ideas spreading to their country). A few years later in 1921 the British also abandoned their spheres of influence in Iran after international pressure. Britain did not leave Iran without a parting gift It supported an Iranian military officer Reza Khan who in 1920 had been crucial in suppressing a Communist revolt. Reza Khan seized control of the Iranian military and eventually overthrew the last Qajar shah after which he anointed himself Reza Shah Pahlavi the first shah of the Pahlavi dynasty.[6] Reza secularized Iran somewhat through educational and judicial changes. He shifted jurisdiction over many issues from Shia religious tribunals to state courts or government agencies. He instituted secular schools. But the new shah was not a liberal dedicated to the welfare of his people. His government censored the media and prohibited unions and political parties. The shah also renewed trade concessions for oil which would inflame Iranian wrath for decades.[7] Irans shah was not a complete stooge of the West although he chose an unethical way to show it. In the 1930s afraid of the Soviet Union and desperate for more commerce Reza increased trade and enhanced relations with the Third Reich. When Reza would not renege on his deals with the Nazis the British and the Russians invaded Iran in 1941 and deposed him. The familiar conquerors elevated Rezas son to Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi. Ironically during World War II foreign rule increased media freedom political liberty and economic prosperity. New political parties and trade unions arose. At the same time the Shia clergy enhanced their strength with the dissolution of the previous shahs secularization initiatives. After the war when the foreign occupiers withdrew moderate leftists Iranian nationalists and some clergymen loosely coalesced into the National Front under the leadership of Mohammed Mosaddeq. The purpose of the National Front was to limit the shahs and the clerics power (although the latter goal caused tensions in the political alliance). Another objective of the National Front was to achieve Iranian control of Iranian natural resources ending foreign exploitation of them.[8] Toward that end after Mosaddeq became prime minister in 1951 he nationalized all of Irans oil. Britain the primary recipient of Irans oil largesse hated Mosaddeqs action and ergo placed trade sanctions on Iran. Subsequently former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and current British Prime Minister Anthony Eden advocated a combined United States-United Kingdom operation to topple Mosaddeq. Nothing quite that grandiose occurred. Despite that August 1953 saw the end of Mosaddeqs administration. Mosaddeqs grip on the states helm had been loosening because his social democratic programs had been alienating his clerical supporters. Following the shahs hasty departure from Iran after a political conflict with Mosaddeq the Iranian prime minister lost his already tenuous position to a Central Intelligence Agency-sponsored coup. Mohammed Reza resumed his position within a week of his flight. Thanks to American intervention in Iran—not even to contain the Soviet Union but to protect business profits—any chance for Iran to become a progressive republic vanished. The resurgent shah to avoid another Mosaddeq stifled all further political deviation from his agenda. Israels Mossad and the CIA assisted Mohammed Reza in this regard by helping him in 1957 to forge his own Gestapo the Organization of National Security and Information also known as Sazman-e Amniyyat va Ettelaat-e Keshvar (SAVAK). This secret police cemented the shahs ruled for decades causing Iranians to quake with fright. (As Yoda said fear leads to anger…) In 1960-1963 Mohammed Reza introduced the White Revolution. As part of this Revolution the shah liberalized laws to convey more equality to women and began economic reforms that increased Iranian incomes. These measures angered the Shia clergy whose power the economic reforms eroded and who wanted to continue subjugating women as per Islamic tenets. Soon ordinary people became discontent as well with the White Revolution as the economic reforms backfired. Failing farms compelled an Iranian rush to the cities where Iranians found high prices isolation and poor living conditions. An ever-decreasing standard of living accompanied rampant inflation. During all this misery Iranians had no political outlet through which to vent their dissatisfaction. No political freedom existed with SAVAK arresting and torturing anyone who dissented from the shahs policies. Only bloody rebellious actions could serve as channels for the peoples rage.[9] Supporting the shah while this was happening was the United States of America. Ever increasing numbers of American consultants assisted Mohammed Reza with economic planning and military strengthening. With American aid the Iranian military emerged as the strongest in the region and one of the biggest on Earth. The shahs reliance on Americans tarnished both him and them in the eyes of the Iranian people. Finally in the 1970s Iranian intellectuals tired of Mohammed Rezas tyrannical maladministration. They joined forces with Shia clerics loyal to the exiled philosophy professor Ruhollah Musawi Khomeini. Khomeini had condemned the White Revolution in 1963 for which government agents stormed Khomeinis madrasah killing several students and arrested him. Eventually the government forced Khomeini into exile. This did not stop Khomeini from constructing doctrines for the maintenance of a Shia Muslim state and disseminating them to the Iranian people thereby fortifying and gaining allegiance.[10] The alliance of intellectuals and clerics fomented a revolution in 1978-1979 that forced the shah to abdicate and allowed Khomeini to return home. Iranians voted for the institution of an Islamic Republic by a large margin. Ayatollah Khomeini (of whom current Ayatollah Khameini is the successor) and his Shia clerics and mullahs brutally crafted this Islamic Republic eliminating whatever Western influence they could along the way. The ayatollah and his cronies have dominated Iran from 1979 until today exhibiting as much barbarism as the shah ever did. Irans democratically-elected president serves as a figurehead. He possesses little authority to thwart the designs of the Shia theocrats.[11] All this history reveals a Western proclivity for harmful interference in Iranian affairs extending back 200 years. One could defend the intervention in World War II as necessary to constrict German trade and ensure the flow of Lend-Lease materiel to the Soviet Union.[12] Every other intrusion into Iran was an imperialistic endeavor to protect Western business interests. After two centuries of detrimental foreign exploitation Iranians would have little reason to trust in the good intentions of the United States and Europe. This distrust in concert with Iranian hostility toward foreign interference in political life and usurpation of natural resources could make UN attempts to command Iran backfire. Iran could perceive such ultimatums as yet more Western efforts to dominate Irans future. The Shia clergy emerges in the history as a force that after embedding themselves into Iranian culture for centuries have exercised rising societal influence over the past century until they took over the country outright in 1979. gktoday current affairs april 2020

gk today current affairs app download

 gk today current affairs app download

gk today current affairs app download published this article Shia clerics have entrenched themselves in the local ways and traditions. These clerics will not disappear as a concern anytime soon. Domestic rulers in ivory towers could not rid themselves of Shia clergy as a potent social influence foreign soldiers definitely will not be able to accomplish that. With cognizance of the broad historical context of Iran description and analysis of the current nuclear crisis with Iran is now proper. In August 2002 an Iranian dissident movement accused the theocratic government of operating in the city of Natanz a uranium enrichment facility and in the city of Arak a heavy water plant. In December 2002 while on its weapons of mass destruction allegations binge the United States proclaimed Irans guilt of across-the-board pursuit of weapons of mass destruction. Unlike with Iraq American declarations about Iran turned out to be at least partially true. The IAEA examined Arak and Natanz in February 2003 and it declared a few months later Iran had broken the Non-Proliferation Treaty. [13] Iran promised the European Union Three—Germany France and Britain who had taken the lead in diplomacy with Iran—in October 2003 it would cease all research into the enrichment of uranium an essential procedure in constructing both nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons. That December Iran pledged it would cooperate with surprise inspections of its nuclear installations. Iran did not keep that oath though as the IAEA chastised Iran in June 2004 for insufficient cooperation. To strike back Iran announced it would start researching and making centrifuges vital to uranium enrichment again. But Iran reversed course several months later in November 2004 assuring the Europeans it would halt all nuclear fuel processing and reprocessing work. Iranian President Mohammed Khatami seemed to negate this the next year in February 2005 when he said no Iranian government would surrender Irans right to nuclear technology.[14] The frothing hard-liner Ahmadinejad replaced the moderate Khatami in the middle of 2005.[15] With Ahmadinejad as its spokesman Iran dropped all pretense of cooperating with the Europeans. On September 15 2005 Ahmadinejad told the world his country would spread nuclear technology throughout the Muslim world. Nearly four months later on January 1 2006 Iran revealed it had discovered how to extract uranium from ore. Ten days later on January 10 Iran restarted its research on nuclear fuel. This finally compelled the Europeans to give up their efforts to negotiate. They recommended the United Nations Security Council take up the matter. On January 13 Iran threatened to toss the IAEA out of the country if the Security Council itself involved itself in the situation. Regardless in a rare occurrence of agreement between the United States Germany France Britain China and Russia all six nations wanted the Security Council to take action.[16] This produced a Security Council resolution on March 29 demanded Iran totally cooperate with the IAEA within 30 days. The Security Councils declaration was not legally binding however because Russia and China were reluctant to impose sanctions or start war in the event of Iranian noncompliance.[17] Afterward on April 11 Ahmadinejad said Iran had learned how to enrich the uranium after they had extracted it. The Iranian Atomic Energy Organization announced the Natanz facility had accomplished the feat. Because of this on April 28 the IAEA declared Iran in defiance of the March 29 Security Council requests.[18] That is where the nuclear confrontation with Iran stands now. <b>II. Problem Statement</b> Iran a barbaric theocracy whose president has wished for Israels destruction and indicated he would disseminate nuclear technology has been researching such technology. The Iranian government claims it only wants peaceful nuclear energy. (Plenty of oil sits beneath Iran and lots of desert that could accommodate solar collectors lies across the country. One could wonder why Iran would need nuclear technology for energy production.) The United States and its diplomatic partners worry Iran desires nuclear weapons for its own use and to give to terrorists. Hence the United States wants Iran to end its nuclear program. gk today current affairs app download

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gk today current affairs august 2019

 gk today current affairs august 2019

gk today current affairs august 2019 A Policy Options—Diplomatic (Political The United States has been seeking a diplomatic solution to the crisis with Iran for the past several years. Washington D.C. has not negotiated directly with Tehran with which Washington has no diplomatic relations. Instead the administration of American President George W. Bush stepped back to let Britain France and Germany attempt to convince Iran to terminate its nuclear program. This constitutes an exception to normal American foreign policy the US government especially under Bush has preferred to address what it perceives to be security threats by itself or as a leader of an alliance. Relying completely on other countries in this instance means the US government is not in ultimate control of what happens. If the president says jump the leader of another country will not necessarily say how high. Still with the American commitments in Afghanistan and Iraq the US government might not have wanted to stretch itself further by tackling the Iranian problem. The Europeans did not accomplish their objective. Iran continued its nuclear research while not taking its negotiations with Europe seriously. Iran was always ready to go with another nuclear transgression for any imagined slight. Eventually the Europeans conceded defeat so the Security Council has now taken charge of the issue. The Security Council has not had any more success than the Europeans did alone so far though. It has only managed a toothless resolution on March 29 that Iran ignored altogether. Furthermore nearly a month after the Security Council issued its commands Iranian President Ahmadinejad speechified regarding the Security Council The Iranian nation wont give a damn about such useless resolutions… Today they want to force us to give up our way through threats and sanctions but those who resort to language of coercion should know that nuclear energy is a national demand and by the grace of God today Iran is a nuclear country.[19] UN diplomacy does not appear to be a winning strategy. The US could engage with Iran directly but that would necessitate recognizing Irans government and opening diplomatic relations with it. Washington would be averse to doing that especially with Ahmadinejad occupying the Iranian presidency. Besides which Iran already knows the might of the United States forms the backbone of every diplomatic maneuver so far yet Iran does not seem to care. For the US to open direct negotiations with Iran would therefore not help. All it would do is give Iran the status of being a nation the US has deemed fit for recognition in exchange for nothing which would bolster Iran and humiliate the United States. <b>III. B Policy Options—Economic</b> In an effort to fabricate a compromise whereby Iran could have nuclear energy but the rest of the world could feel safe Iran was not gaining dangerous nuclear know-how Russia offered to enrich uranium for Iran on Russias own soil and then ship the uranium back to Iran. Nothing has come of this Russian initiative though.[20] Iran has apparently decided it wants to enrich uranium itself. If Iran does not start cooperating with the United Nations the Security Council could meet again and insist Iran alter course for international peace and security. Iranian noncompliance with such a resolution would permit the Security Council to enact economic sanctions against Iran. China and Russia however have been squeamish about such a move.[21] Also implementing broad economic sanctions against Iran would constrict or prevent the flow of oil out of that country. As the world grapples with high oil prices across-the-board sanctions could damage everyones economy even as Iran hurts. The situation could be like Thomas Jeffersons embargo of Britain and France all over again. Perhaps sanctions could leave alone oil trade with Iran that would have a better chance of sticking. Because oil is already the lifeblood of Irans economy and because oil would become more important with trade in everything else forbidden Iran could not afford to cut off oil supplies or fiddle with prices too much. So the rest of the world would not hurt for oil although Iran would still suffer the pain of sanctions. If Iran continues its intransigence Russia and China might support limited sanctions as they would not threaten oil supplies although a lot of skilled diplomacy would be necessary. <b>III. C Policy Options—Military</b> In the April 17 2006 issue of The New Yorker Seymour Hersh unveils to the American people secret plans the US government has for war with Iran. The end objective of the war would be the overthrow of the theocracy. To achieve this the US military would bomb Iran extensively which planners hope would embarrass the Iranian government thereby inspiring the Iranian citizenry to revolt and depose the mullahs. Concurrently the American military would drop bunker-buster tactical nukes on Iranian nuclear facilities such as the one at Natanz.[22] That is one of the most idiotic plans in the history of military strategy. The American dream of happy Iraqis valiantly rising against their oppressors and eagerly embracing regime change Washington would like turned out to be fantasy. No reason exists to believe the same American dream would come true in Iran. Two hundred years of Western imperialism in Iran has ensured Iranian revulsion of foreign influence. Most Iranians would stick by their own people rather than act as foreigners attacking their home want. The Shia clergy who have centuries-old traditional claims to Iranian hearts and not bomb-happy Americans would find the most supporters in Iran. Because of this not even Iranian opposition groups want American intervention believing it would damage their cause.[23] Plus targeted American strikes against Iranian nuclear infrastructure could likely fail. The Iranians have had the Israeli destruction of Iraqs French-supplied nuclear reactor at Osirak as well as hundreds of American and British sorties across Iraq in the 1990s from which to learn. They protected against bombing runs by constructing some of their nuclear installations underground. In addition the US government does not know the locations of a few of Irans important nuclear assets. A bombing campaign could miss them.[24] After the United States gained nothing from starting a war Iran could inflict grievous costs in retaliation. The Shia Iranians through shared faith with Shia Iraqis command enormous influence with them. Many more Shia Iraqis than who are insurgents now could become such at the urging of their Shia brethren in Iran. Iranian troops could start attacking American soldiers in Iraq. Iran could even capture parts of Iraq. One Pentagon affiliate has said The Iranians could take Basra with ten mullahs and one sound truck. Hezbollah could come out of hibernation as well attacking Israel and American interests in the Middle East.[25] And deciding it has nothing to lose Iran could use its oil as an economic weapon to harm Western economies. Sometimes the benefits of military action can outweigh horrendous consequences. World War II stands as the most powerful demonstration of that truth. Attacking Iran as the military plans in Hershs article suggest would not however yield sufficient gains to offset the damage to American interests and operations or to justify the enormous loss of life in Iran Iraq and Israel (if not more countries). <b>IV. Policy Recommendation</b> I have not seen any policy or strategy under consideration of which I approve so I will devise my own. The United States and Europe should continue pursuing diplomatic solutions to the Iranian nuclear issue. I do not think Iran would capitulate to such an approach though. Iranians with reason loathe foreign attempts to influence their politics and control their resources. As a result I do not believe Iran will voluntarily strike a deal with anyone to limit or eliminate a national program it sees as its right. Meddlesome foreigners can go to hell. Before I outline my proposal I must state I do not believe Iran will use nuclear weapons offensively if it learns how to make them. Any obvious first use of nuclear weapons on Irans part would invite nuclear retaliation from Israel and the United States and possibly from France and Britain. Passing nuclear weapons off to terrorists would not be a viable option for Iran either because nuclear forensics could trace a bombs fissile material back to its source.[26] One might say the so-called Mad Mullahs are just that—mad—but Irans lack of military aggressiveness over the past 20 years with trigger-happy Americans and Israelis nearby argues against that. Irans theocrats are evil but not demonstrably insane or suicidal. They would place their own collective survival above global Islamist revolution. If nothing else a dead revolutionary movement cannot advance its cause. With Irans rationality in mind I propose what I call neo-containment. In the neo-containment framework if Iran were to develop nuclear weapons the United Nations would place limited sanctions as I described above on Iran. Food water and medicine for the Iranian people in addition to oil would be the only exemptions to the sanctions. Limited sanctions would prevent mass starvation and famine while squeezing the Iranian economy. Militarily the United States would officially point nuclear missiles at Iran and promise it will suffer the missiles fury if it does use nuclear weapons on anyone. If Iran does not want to struggle under sanctions and squirm under nuclear threat Iran could dismantle its nuclear weapons and relinquish the capability to create more. If that does not happen then Irans economic and technological capabilities can wilt under sanctions and its psyche can suffer from knowing the worlds sole remaining superpower with an arsenal of thousands of nuclear weapons might use those weapons on Iran annihilating it. Iran could never build enough nuclear weapons to combat that threat. From these economic and military coercive devices frustration and fear could build in the Iranian population undermining cultural health and thereby national cohesion. To try to ensure the resulting anger flows to the Iranian government and not the United States the American government should utilize soft power resources. Washington should emphasize its foe is the theocracy of Iran not its people. The US should publicly appear not to be interfering with Iran internally but to be sitting back after promising to recognize Iran officially and extend economic and technological assistance to Iran if the Iranians overthrow their government. Covertly Americans should spread through Muslim networks messages about the benefits of disarmament and democracy and the evils of nuclear-intent mullahs. When Iranians receive these messages they should see them as coming from Muslim brothers not American imperialists. To complement this tactic Iranian expatriates who know the positives of republican government and the negatives of Shia theocracy could tell their stories to the world. This could all inspire hope and desire within Iranians for something better than lives of terror under a repressive theocracy. Containment worked against the Soviet Union. It took 40 years to do its job but the United States avoided a devastating war that would have left the world a worse place than it is now. I believe the similar strategy I described above would handle Iran just as adeptly. Indeed neo-containment could perform even better. Iran could never threaten the United States with nuclear extinction so Americans would not have to live with the dread of that again. Since Iran would be incapable of wiping out either the American people or their nuclear capability no matter what the Iranian government would be insane to employ nuclear weapons in anything other than clear self-defense. So Americans need not fear even the loss of a city. The risk of such an attack would not be zero because Irans government could theoretically defy rationality. But the danger would be minimal and it would not be anything we do not already face from China Pakistan or Russia. gk today current affairs august 2019

 gk today current affairs august 2019

Thursday, June 24, 2021

banking services chronicle book

 banking services chronicle book

banking services chronicle book  Published this article  But the poor are now falling into the trap of bad food. The study also found that conversely it was the more socio-economically advanced rural areas that were falling prey to diabetes. It is an epidemic that is in a state of transition it noted. With such large numbers of poor in urban areas and such large numbers of the getting-rich in rural areas this can easily get out of hand. We are going from lack of food or malnutrition to overnutrition because of bad food. This is a transition that we must avoid. The fact is that India has what can only be described as a double burden of diseases. We have the diseases of the poor—everything from malnutrition to cholera. But we also have the diseases of the rich—cancer and diabetes. banking services chronicle book

banking services chronicle march 2021  Published this article  Worse as the ICMR study shows the poor who can illafford the diseases of the rich are now afflicted by them. But this is where the policy of prevention must kick in. We know that these diseases—called non-communicable diseases (NCDs) by the health community—are connected to our lifestyles. What do we eat? What air do we breathe? And what environment we live in? These are part of the package of toxic development. A model of development where we first pollute and then think of cleaning up. A model where we first industrialisechemicalise our food eat unhealthy junk and then think of going to the gym to exercise or eat organic. But the question is can we not avoid the transition? Can we not go from being poor but unhealthy to being rich and healthy? Why should we inherit the diseases of a lifestyle that can be so easily avoided? This is where change is essential. This is where we need to make crucial linkages—between our health and the health of the environment. Today it is polluted water which is visible in the death of our rivers. banking services chronicle march 2021

banking services chronicle book

banking services chronicle reasoning book

 banking services chronicle reasoning book 

banking services chronicle reasoning book  Published this article  In June 2017 the British medical journal The Lancet published a review of the prevalence of diabetes in 15 states of India. This study by a group of medical practitioners funded by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) had worrying numbers. It found that while some 7 per cent people in India (based on 15 states data) had diabetes the prevalence of pre-diabetes (early signs particularly elevated blood sugar levels) was a staggering 10-15 per cent depending on the criterion used. This is no small health burden on a developing country. Their conclusion is we are undergoing an epidemiological transition. States/UTs with higher GDP— Gujarat Maharashtra Tamil Nadu and Chandigarh— have a higher prevalence of this disease than Bihar or Jharkhand. Delhi and Goa with high income levels are still awaiting sampling. Rural areas have lower diabetes rates than urban. But most worryingly the study finds that the poor in well-off urban states have higher incidence of diabetes than the rich in the same cities. In other words the rich in rich cities have started to learn good food habits. banking services chronicle reasoning book

banking services chronicle reasoning book  

Friday, May 7, 2021

competition success review magazine subscription address

 competition success review magazine subscription address

competition success review magazine subscription address published this article page no 99 goa has a vision to build a predictable and assured water utility so that consumers can have confidence in the availability and quality of their tap water. consumers would be informed in advance about any service outages in a targeted manner to minimise the impact and allow them to plan their lives better. if service quality and public trust are achieved then consumers can drink water directly from the tap with a high degree of confidence and peace of mind.competition success review magazine subscription address

arihant competition in focus monthly magazine

 arihant competition in focus monthly magazine

arihant competition in focus monthly magazine published this article page no 301

The agency has also classified the haircuts in four categories. These marginal or moderate haircuts while a third needs aggressive and nearly 40 per cent deep haircuts.In terms of sectors power sector would require moderate haircuts while those from the metals and construction sectors would need aggressive ones according to the rating agency. A majority of the debts requiring deep haircuts belong to companies with unsustainable businesses so asset sales are necessary to recover monies Crisil said. arihant competition in focus monthly magazine

competition wizard

 competition wizard

competition wizard Published this articles Page No 291 

Under court orders she oversaw the transition of public transport to CNG — Delhi would have been even more polluted otherwise Power privatisation happened under her regime and while this had its share of critics it did help the city overcome acute shortages She encouraged participatory governance through the flagship Bhagidaari  initiative But for her last-minute micromanagement Delhi would have struggled to host the 2010 Commonwealth Games (CWG) competition wizard

Friday, March 26, 2021

Pratiyogita Kiran Hindi

Pratiyogita Kiran Hindi

Pratiyogita kiran hindi monthly magazine by kiran prakashan subscribe  published this article page no 29 the oretical frameworks and anglophone writings. pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine subscription  (aamir mufti 2016 revathy krishnaswamy 2010).indeed english in india has claimed a space alongside even encompassing the vernacular indian tongues asserting its ability to articulate local moorings angsts and desires. yes literatures in different indian languages draw as much from each other and their textures of location myths and oral traditions as they do from their interaction with the anglophone west pratiyogita kiran.

you and i magazine

 you and i magazine

You and i magazine Top life style magazine from Hyderabad published this article page no 28 port towns in india have attracted industries.ii in which one of the following types of economy are the factors of production owned individually a capitalis social mixed which one of the following types of industries produces raw materials for other industries a cottage industries basic industries small-scale industriesd foot loose industries fundamentals of human geography  which one of the following pairs is correctly matched a automobile industry all you magazine subscription.

meri saheli magazine

meri saheli magazine

Meri saheli magazine life style published this article page no 27 it has shiftedto less developed countries where labour costsare low choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below. which one of the following statements is wrong a cheap water transport has facilitated the jute mill industry along the hugli. sugar cotton textiles and vegetable oils are footloose industries. the development of hydro-electricity and petroleum reduced to a great extent the importance of coal energy as a locational factor for industry family magazine subscribe now.

Monday, March 15, 2021

banking service chronicle latest edition

banking service chronicle latest edition

Banking service chronicle latest edition published this article page no 18 methods of miningdepending on the mode of occurrence and the nature of the ore mining is of two types surfaceand underground mining. the surface mining also known as open-cast mining is the easie stand the cheapest way of mining minerals that occur close to the surface banking services chronicle.