Thursday, August 5, 2021

gk today current affairs app download

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gk today current affairs app download published this article Shia clerics have entrenched themselves in the local ways and traditions. These clerics will not disappear as a concern anytime soon. Domestic rulers in ivory towers could not rid themselves of Shia clergy as a potent social influence foreign soldiers definitely will not be able to accomplish that. With cognizance of the broad historical context of Iran description and analysis of the current nuclear crisis with Iran is now proper. In August 2002 an Iranian dissident movement accused the theocratic government of operating in the city of Natanz a uranium enrichment facility and in the city of Arak a heavy water plant. In December 2002 while on its weapons of mass destruction allegations binge the United States proclaimed Irans guilt of across-the-board pursuit of weapons of mass destruction. Unlike with Iraq American declarations about Iran turned out to be at least partially true. The IAEA examined Arak and Natanz in February 2003 and it declared a few months later Iran had broken the Non-Proliferation Treaty. [13] Iran promised the European Union Three—Germany France and Britain who had taken the lead in diplomacy with Iran—in October 2003 it would cease all research into the enrichment of uranium an essential procedure in constructing both nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons. That December Iran pledged it would cooperate with surprise inspections of its nuclear installations. Iran did not keep that oath though as the IAEA chastised Iran in June 2004 for insufficient cooperation. To strike back Iran announced it would start researching and making centrifuges vital to uranium enrichment again. But Iran reversed course several months later in November 2004 assuring the Europeans it would halt all nuclear fuel processing and reprocessing work. Iranian President Mohammed Khatami seemed to negate this the next year in February 2005 when he said no Iranian government would surrender Irans right to nuclear technology.[14] The frothing hard-liner Ahmadinejad replaced the moderate Khatami in the middle of 2005.[15] With Ahmadinejad as its spokesman Iran dropped all pretense of cooperating with the Europeans. On September 15 2005 Ahmadinejad told the world his country would spread nuclear technology throughout the Muslim world. Nearly four months later on January 1 2006 Iran revealed it had discovered how to extract uranium from ore. Ten days later on January 10 Iran restarted its research on nuclear fuel. This finally compelled the Europeans to give up their efforts to negotiate. They recommended the United Nations Security Council take up the matter. On January 13 Iran threatened to toss the IAEA out of the country if the Security Council itself involved itself in the situation. Regardless in a rare occurrence of agreement between the United States Germany France Britain China and Russia all six nations wanted the Security Council to take action.[16] This produced a Security Council resolution on March 29 demanded Iran totally cooperate with the IAEA within 30 days. The Security Councils declaration was not legally binding however because Russia and China were reluctant to impose sanctions or start war in the event of Iranian noncompliance.[17] Afterward on April 11 Ahmadinejad said Iran had learned how to enrich the uranium after they had extracted it. The Iranian Atomic Energy Organization announced the Natanz facility had accomplished the feat. Because of this on April 28 the IAEA declared Iran in defiance of the March 29 Security Council requests.[18] That is where the nuclear confrontation with Iran stands now. <b>II. Problem Statement</b> Iran a barbaric theocracy whose president has wished for Israels destruction and indicated he would disseminate nuclear technology has been researching such technology. The Iranian government claims it only wants peaceful nuclear energy. (Plenty of oil sits beneath Iran and lots of desert that could accommodate solar collectors lies across the country. One could wonder why Iran would need nuclear technology for energy production.) The United States and its diplomatic partners worry Iran desires nuclear weapons for its own use and to give to terrorists. Hence the United States wants Iran to end its nuclear program. gk today current affairs app download

 gk today current affairs app download

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