Tuesday, February 8, 2022

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no   146 Even in the city you cannot stick your head in the sand (or under the asphalt?) and you are not immune from climate change. Witnesses are the 15,000 mostly elderly people that died in Paris alone in the sizzling hot European summer of 2003. Or the many killed in New Orleans at the hands of cyclone Katrina.And if you are hot under the collar, do you think perhaps that there will be some miraculous scientific break-through so they ever-responsible They will fix the Earth? The ultimate stem cell technology maybe that can clone a new home for us!Seriously, for many of us it is just all too hard.All we want is to live a life where we may raise our children to have a future.A future of some predictability: of schooling, a job, a family, community, of achievements and an enjoyable life - on a healthy planet Earth.Is this a fading dream, once a reasonable expectationOur world is changing. There are great challenges ahead and it is too late to stop global warming. The Earth has changed and the processes it uses to regulate itself are adjusting themselves. And these changes will not suit human life as it is shine india monthly magazine buy.

shine india monthly magazine

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